a velvet underground

Yesterday I spent an hour drifting around the apartment in a bathing suit, drinking too much coffee and picking up books and putting them down and wondering when I'd finally make it to the beach. (It didn't count the other morning, doing downward dog with a hango (more)

the prairies of dreary pastiche

Eve Babitz on high school:

"Squashed into acquiescence by the weight of Le Conte, I tried to behave like you were supposed to and to keep from peering around for real life or clear focus, though I must have secretly prayed for the fire that would come from somewhere (more)

a graveyard cat

Some tourists prefer bars and beaches, others seek necropolises. Just outside the cemeterio, there is a little dome-roofed church: eight pews, worn intricately woven rugs, and an whitewashed nook in lieu of an altar, lined with paintings of Jesus and Mary; otherwise it is (more)

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