1am is an old friend
25 July 2024 | 12:12 am

How is it that I don’t write anything for days, and then the urge to write something appears an hour after I should have already been asleep? Why is it that so many thoughts become clear late at night? Perhaps during the day the concerns of the world drown the thoughts out – questioning them, […]

Hyper Japan
21 July 2024 | 8:21 pm

On Saturday morning we dragged the entire family out of the house, jumped on a train, and headed towards Olympia in London – one of the biggest exhibition venues in the city. “Hyper Japan” had landed in London once again – an exhibition and cultural showpiece for all things Japanese. The show floor was filled […]

Being Dudley Do Right
15 July 2024 | 12:38 am

My other half spent all afternoon and evening sorting through bank statements and downloads of transactions to prepare my tax return for next year. Once upon a time she was a chartered accountant, so is faster with numbers than my brain can really cope with. I’m a pretty simple creature at the best of times. […]

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