Summary of changes for September 2024
1 October 2024 | 7:00 am

Hey everyone!

This is the list of all the changes we've done to our projects during the month of September.

Summary Of Changes

rek, dev and little ninj sitting around a small fire

September started off warm, but got cold and windy fast, we spent lots of time sitting by the woodstove drinking tea. As promised, we have begun transcribing the Victoria to Sitka logbook digitally, we release one week's worth of logs at a time. We populated the logs with photos and Rek's sketches(also sourced from the handwritten logbook). End of the month, we closed our summer 2024 sailing route, Pino has traveled very far this year! We made 76(!!!) stops over a period of 5 months, sailing 1900 NM.

We announced a new project this month named Rabbit Waves. It will serve as a vessel to expand, in a playful way, on some of our favourite things. Expect lots of art featuring root vegetable root-shaped sailboats, rabbits, and seabirds! The website will host more content next month.

For 3 years now, we've had a monthly hand-drawn calendar in the galley that we cover with doodles, at the end of the year, Rek binds the 12 pages together, and it makes it easy to look back at where we were, what we were doing at a previous time. Everyday has some kind of highlight or other. It's one of our favourite habits.

Listen to Devine's remix of SOPHIE's One More Time feat. Popstar.

Book Club: This month we read Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. We are forever in love with Rocky.

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Summary of changes for August 2024
31 August 2024 | 7:00 am

Hey everyone!

This is the list of all the changes we've done to our projects during the month of August.

Summary Of Changes

This month, Pino reached the northern tip of Vancouver Island, sailed south through Johnstone Strait, and into calmer, familiar waters on the 11th of August. Both of us were eager for a taste of summer weather, we hoped to catch what was left of it. Our legs demanded an anchorage with options for walking, so we chose to anchor in {Hathayim Marine Park}. The lovely people on the sailboat Nanamuk were anchored here too, they mapped many of the trails in the area, even the overgrown, less-traveled routes. We updated our summer route map through northern B.C.

From May 1st to August 11th, like with our book Busy Doing Nothing, Rek kept a detailed logbook of daily happenings onboard. We hope to publish these notes to this wiki soon.

Book Club: This month we are reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman, and Everyday Utopia: What 2000 years of Wild Experiments Can Teach Us About the Good Life by Kristen R. Ghodsee.

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Summary of changes for July 2024
4 August 2024 | 7:00 am

Hey everyone!

This is the list of all the changes we've done to our projects during the month of July.

Summary Of Changes

  •, added Sitka, and completed route in {us se alaska}.
  • Left, can now paste binary directly from programs like Nasu.
  • Hakum, added two drawings to the Characters section, and a new very short comic called Shoes.
  • Wiktopher, fixed some typos.
  • Markl, we don't have much of anything to show for it yet, but who knows, maybe this time it will work out!
  • Solrela, expanded Solresol dictionary.
  • Malleable Systems, wrote a little thing about extending compiled software with devtools.

Pino and crew have moved a lot in the past month. On the first of July, we were in Sitka, Southeast Alaska, and then on the last day of the month we were back in Millbrook Cove, very near to the top of Vancouver Island. We sailed 590 NM and stopped in 15 different anchorages.

Leaving Sitka, we sailed along the west coast of Southeast Alaska for a few days to try and take advantage of a good weather window, we had some engine issues which too motivated the need for such a long passage(see our track)—we spent two days troubleshooting the issue while anchored in Port Bazan, a bay far from everything, with no internet connection or way to talk to anybody, we were glad to have the physical engine manual on board. Sailing on open waters is always nice, we saw black-footed albatrosses, horned puffins, a whale per hour, and many more sea otters(Port Bazan was full of them).

After checking back into Prince Rupert, the way back south through Northern Canada was plagued with unfavorable winds, we had to beat into it, or travel on quiet waters to make progress. We resorted to doing short hops between anchorages, conditions did not permit for long distances. Doing short hops though did allow us to discover beautiful places we might have otherwise missed. We spent many grey days waiting for weather, reading, drawing, and beginning work on markl, we're giving it another go).

Book Club: This month we read Erewhon by Samuel Butler, Technophilia and Its Discontents by Ellen Ullman, The Democracy Of Species by Robin Wall Kimmerer, I Will Fight No More Forever by Merrill D. Beal, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, and Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf.

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