Solo travelling as a deaf person
22 June 2024 | 4:10 pm

Travelling is not a high priority on my list. I’m a homebody and that only gets more so the older I get. But I do like travelling at least once a year just to be in a different environment and experience another place and vibes. Being from Aruba and living in the Netherlands for the […]

Speaksee, first impression
26 April 2024 | 6:00 am

Sixteen years, that is how long since I lost all of my hearing. Before that, I was hard of hearing and used hearing aids. For sixteen years I haven’t heard a single sound, I am dependable on lipreading, text and captions. Years ago I used a speech-to-text software for the first time, the then beta […]

That time I took a last minute trip to New York
10 April 2024 | 4:01 pm

It was the summer of 2018 and I had just finished undergoing nerve-wracking medical tests the last months. When I finally received the last result and good news I was so relieved and so deeply aware of how short life is, that I decided there was no more time to waste and time to tick […]

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