I started a new blog! Come check it out and consider subscribing, the content will be similar to what I post here, but hopefully will be more polished. https://splittinginfinity.substack.com/
Below is a part of my application for ARIA’s program director role. Though I was not selected, I hope that it may give other program directors some food-for-thought. If you could direct £50m to drive a bold and focused scientific/technical step-change in human progress, what would you do? 1. Pilot demonstration generating carbon-neutral fuel fromContinue reading "My ARIA Application"
The world’s peak population may be smaller than expected Tim LeBon on how altruistic perfectionism is self-defeating You Don’t Always Have to be Rational Pattern Collider The Coming Supremacy of AR EDIT: a nice thread on companies working to automate IVF. Venus Aerospace is working on a Mach 9 passenger plane based on rotating detonation engines. ThisContinue reading "Links #38"