Towards Universal Keybindings
25 June 2024 | 9:46 pm

Keyboard people invest time upfront memorizing keybindings, in order to save time in the long run. At least, that’s the theory. In practice, it’s more like this:

Vim Keybinding Meme

What if we crowdsourced the optimal set of universal default keybindings — and made them available in every app?

My Favourite Ways to Avoid Spending Money 🔒
25 June 2024 | 9:35 pm

This is a Patrons-only post. But if you sign up for an Autodidacts membership, read this post and apply the advice, and it doesn’t save you the cost of the first month of membership ($5) in less than a week, email us and we will refund you.

Perfectionism is optimizing at the wrong scale
15 June 2024 | 4:46 pm

At the risk of stating the obvious even more obviously than I usually do: sometimes the perfect approach involves tolerating imperfection.

Imperfection?! Yes. Specifically, the more macroscopic one’s view becomes, the more microscopic imperfections may need to be tolerated — if they don’t matter to the

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