Spent some time painting today. It felt nice swishing colors around on thick watercolor paper.
At one point, right here, before i started adding more color, i was v afraid of ruining them lol. But I really like how they turned out!
They're both avail in the shop, along with February's calendar if it strikes your fancy <3.
For the paintings, I'll be shipping them in a simple, regular envelope with zero packaging to try and keep shipping costs down. If you really want to be able to have them tracked, email me, and I'll do my best to put that together for you.
Finished watching American Primeval. I loved it. It was gritty, gory-violent, and, in some parts, overly heartbreaking. I even teared up at one point and I almost never cry watching shows! Now what to watch 🤔
Happy Fwiiiiday everyone ;)
Nata Metlukh's pencil drawings are so expressive and gorgeous.
Sylvia's blog post full of resources is incredibly helpful. Thank you for putting this list together, Sylvia!
Steve sent me a cool link about a typewriter artist, James Cook. He's made over 300 pieces of work with more than 60 typewriters. I just love art.
We are in transition like a blinking text cursor -Eric Schierloh
hi, i just wanted to let you know i made a little 🍓February calendar🍓.
it’s a one-page PDF with a tiny notes section + some of my black ink drawings.
you can put it on your fridge, wall, give it to a friend, or fold it in half and slip it into a book.
thank u to everyone who already got one, i hope u like it :)
One-page paper missives are my favorite type of small publication. I've been enamored (obsessed) with this concept for a long time.
I love publishing short and small print runs.
Artisan handmade, home-printed periodicals make me happy.
I'd like to start another one-page publication apart from Monstrous Existence. Maybe on thicker cardstock or just a variety of paperweights. Each issue would have a different theme or focus. Maybe invite some guest artists/writers to contribute.
Trying to come up with another name for it. I like A4. But the paper reems here are technically not A4. They're 8 1/2 x 11, whereas the size of A4 paper is 8x11.
Is anyone watching Dexter Original Sin? I just watched last week's ep and omg. I won't spoil it for anyone who's not caught up, but i had a serious hunch about the revelation. Can't wait for Dexter Resurrection!
What the hell do i put in a zine?. A fun how-to post about making zines.
i love Froey's casio watch collection.
Minifeed. A curated blog reader and search engine.
How to Prepare Yourself for the Collapse of the Industrial Publishing System by Eric Schierloh.