Look who will soon be joining us here at the homestead. This is Molly, a well seasoned Tennessee Walking horse, not participating in shows but has seen many many happy trails… Star has been lonely since Vanilla’s passing and I know she will enjoy the company as time goes by and the newness and jealousy […]
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This is one of my favorite photos of myself with the great Foxy. Pamela Rickenbach brought these magnificent horses to a Bedlam Farm Open House and I got to hear amazing tales from Pamela about the history of horses throughout the ages and the incredible energy fields that especially these giant draft horses project. I […]
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From early on I have been a caregiver. At first for mostly animals. My horses and then the farm with 70 milkers and at least 50 youngstock to care for. We were treated with the delights and disappointments of birth and of course dealing with death. Both needing lots of care and attention and […]
The post I am a caregiver appeared first on Amity Farm Batik.