Nominate Blog

Ah, so you wanna nominate a blog (or yours) for inclusion in our illustrious Blogroll? Absolutely delightful! It needs to be:

1) Obviously a blog of some kind
2) Of personal/independent nature
3) Updated fairly often

There is also the matter of quality which is entirely subjective… This is a human curated blogroll so not all nominations are accepted; it is simply personal preference, nothing more.

It is encouraged to link back to us so that others may find more blogs like yours. If you do link back, pop the URL of the page yer linking from in the Reciprocal Link box below. Sites who link back will be given priority listing in their blogroll category by way of thanks.


There’s too many blogs to wade through in the queue so all new submissions are paused. It’s a good problem to have, goes to show the small web is still alive! Feel free to follow us to hear when our inbox re-opens.