.: Ye Olde Blogroll
You are viewing a humanly curated list of fine personal & independent blogs that are updated regularly. No algorithms ever!
Total links: 421
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Art & Artists
- Ryan Reid Illustration + Design - I draw stories.
- 50 Watts - A growing archive of weird and wonderful visual ephemera from around the world.
- Hi, I’m Liz - hello! I draw animals.
- Lost Art Press - The lost art of woodworking
- David Revoy - Artist, Instructor, using only Free/Libre and Open-Source software since 2009
- Austin Kleon - Austin Kleon is a writer who draws. He’s the bestselling author of Steal Like An Artist and other books.
- The Used Life – Experiments in the Art of Mastering None - Blogger. Poetry. Analog collage. Accomplished hostess of dinner parties. Bird lover. Amateur photographer. Master of none.
- Gwenn Seemel - Humanist artist who makes art where you want to know the people who love it and buy it. Uncopyright advocate.
- Steve Best - Art directed blog posts still going strong
- Veronique - Hi! I'm Veronique. I'm an artist, diarist, and writer from Toronto, ON.
- Lucy Bellwood - The online home of Adventure Cartoonist Lucy Bellwood
- Full Moon Fiber Art — My Art, My Life - Stories and photos from an artist working out of a 150 year old school house on a farm
- Writing at Large - A blog about writing, sketching, running and other things
- The School of the Transfer of Energy - A farmer who also happens to be a talented woodworker, painter, musician, and puppeteer
- Amy Goodchild - Generative Artist • Triangle enthusiast • London
- G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y - I operate at the intersection of Art, Design, and Storytelling.
- Native Places - A collection of thoughts and hand-drawn sketches that illustrate the value of looking closely at buildings and places.
- kening zhu - I make art {visual, writing, film, animation} about places, and help creatives nurture things {wellbeing, creative rituals, digital homes}.
- John P. Weiss Fine Art - Police Captain turned Artist who paints, draws cartoons, and shoots photography
- Fountain Pen Art - Experimenting with fountain pen ink to further its creative potential for use within the visual arts.
- Postcard from Provence - A diary in daily paintings by artist Julian Merrow-Smith following the changing seasons of his adopted home in France
- Imaginary Karin - I’m Karin and I like to create things. Traditional drawings mostly, sometimes pixel art
- Gurney Journey - for illustrators, plein-air painters, sketchers, comic artists, animators, art students, and writers.
- David Fisher, Carving Explorations - With traditional edge tools, I carve green logs and branches into bowls, spoons, and containers.
- A Radical Cut In The Texture Of Reality - Jacob Wren makes literature, collaborative performances and exhibitions.
- anh version noir - i’m anh, a designer and artist this website is where i do silly web experiments and post personal stuff
- Keenan - Non-binary jack-of-all-trades
- Cendrine Marrouat – Artist - Visual Poetry of the Mundane
- Friedrich Zettl Fine Arts Blog and Portfolio - Friedrich studied Sinology, Ethnology, and Art History in Wien, Chinese painting, calligraphy, and seal carving in Beijing
- The Artist’s Notebook - Art & Writing by Paul Watson
- Origami by Michał Kosmulski - I’m an origami designer who specializes in tessellations, boxes, and other geometric designs
- Justin Fox - I like to create things. I’m into everything cars, bikes art and design.
- Ninn Salaün - Ninn Salaün is an illustrator living in France. She likes to draw nature, the sky, and people in nature.
- Amity Farm Batik - Farms, Horses, Nature & Myth Batik Art
- declad
- I write about architecture and design and whatever else I feel like.
- Scott Boms
- Scott Boms is a multidisciplinary design generalist, printmaker, educator, and publisher
Blogrolls & Search
- Indieseek.xyz Directory - Directory and blog about the non-commercial Independent Web.
- The Big List of Personal Websites - Not so big but cool hand-compiled list of personal blogs
- Gossip’s Web - Directory of hand built websites
- Link Lane - Small list of blogs since 2004
- Nightfall City - Nightfall is a virtual city that lets you meet and interact with others through your Gemini or web feed.
- i.webthings hub - Massive curated link "hub" and blog. Hard to categorize but intriguing.
- Search My Site - Open source search engine for personal and independent websites
- Non-profit bloggers - A repository of blogs by bloggers who blog for the joy of writing.
- Wiby - Old school search engine in the vein of the web of old
- Link Pantry - Old school grid style link directory
- ooh.directory - ooh.directory is a place to find good blogs that interest you.
- Cultrface - Cultrface is a blog about culture and how it can enrich our lives.
- Hermitary - Resources and reflections on hermits and solitude since 2002
- Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow - I’ve got a old-fashioned link-blog, Pluralistic, where I post a daily list of links with commentary and analysis.
- A Little Bit of Rest - Essays on classic & vintage menswear
- siderea - Artisanal wisdom prepared by hand in small batches from only the finest, locally sourced, organic insights.
- cultural snow - Culture, literature and the arts
- Notebook on Cities and Culture - I’m Colin Marshall, a Seoul-based essayist, broadcaster, and public speaker on cities, language, and culture.
- RasterWeb! (since 1997) - Maker / Designer / Creative; electronics, digital fabrication, physical computing, art, photo, video, printer, noise, synths, cats, Arduino, USB, MIDI, MKE, progressive
- Vintage Everyday - Bring back some good or bad memories
- BuzzMachine - The media pundit's pundit. Written by NYC insider Jeff Jarvis,
- How to Live in Denmark
- A fun guide for foreigners in Denmark and their Danish friends
Digital Gardens
- Derek’s Digital Garden - A lighthearted, "rough around the edges" blog/digital garden by an Ukrainian blogger
- Tracy Durnell – Learning and Thinking in Public - Eclectic "mind-garden" in blog format sharing her stream of thoughts
- Nikita Voloboev - 👋 I love making and sharing things.
- Brad Woods’ Digital Garden - Notes about web design & engineering.
- Vince Imbat - I’m a writer and photographer exploring a free and creative spirituality (jiyū shūkyō) through walking.
- In Two Minds
- A digital garden exploring philosophy, ethics, and systems thinking through multiple lenses and personas
- From Jason
- Odes & satires and other matters of things and stuff
Economics & Finance
- Moneyness - Thinking about money is more interesting than making money
- Marginal REVOLUTION - Small steps toward a much better world
Film & Entertainment
- Ben Oliver - A series of personal thoughts that has devolved into mostly movie reviews.
- David Bordwell’s website on cinema - Observations on film art
- Stephen Follows - I do a number of different things, most of which are related to the film industry and/or storytelling.
- Silver Screenings - We adore old movies and believe they are good for you, like expensive chocolate and the spa. Fashionably filmy movie blogger.
- The Arcade Blogger - A blog celebrating the history and preservation of Classic Arcade Video Games from the 70s and 80s.
- Derrick Bang on Film - Captivating cinema commentary from Davis, California
- Brick Experiment Channel - I do nerdy experiments with Lego bricks
- Tom Van Winkle’s Return to Gaming - Musings on table-top role-playing games today after spending a quarter century away from them.
- World of Reel - Your place for alternative media news
- Zarf Updates
- Interactive fiction, narrative in games, and so on
Food & Drink
- James’ Coffee Blog - I share my thoughts on all things coffee and I interview people who work in coffee, with a particular emphasis on the Scottish coffee industry.
- The Widow Badass Blog - This blog is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
- The English Kitchen - De-bunking the myths of English Cookery One delicious recipe at a time
- a whisk and a spoon - Professional sweet tooth - connoisseur of fine cake
- Edible Arts - Wine, food, travel writer, philosophy professor writing on the aesthetics of food and wine.
- Paul’s Beer - Beer-related travel, at home and abroad, exploring and indulging my passion for beer.
- Appellation Beer - Considering beer from and of a place
- smitten kitchen - Fearless cooking from a tiny NYC kitchen.
Graphics & Design
- Silvia Maggi Design - An expert in HTML, CSS and designing using web standards since 2004, I make websites using Jekyll and WordPress. Curator of the inspiration series Design, Digested.
- Interconnected - I blog to speculate about the future of technology, design, and society.
- Simon Collison - Well-meaning waffle since 2003.
- Typeoff - Notes about type from a typography teacher & design historian
- Peter Rukavina’s Weblog - I write here about topics including technology, design, printing, travel and Prince Edward Island.
- Designer - Dave Smyth is a designer and developer interested in privacy, type and ethics.
- On Verticality
- This blog explores the innate human need to escape the surface of the earth, and our struggles to do so throughout history.
- Going Medieval – Medieval History, Pop Culture, Swearing - I specialise in late medieval sexuality, apocalyptic thought, propaganda, and the urban experience in general
- Good Optics - A blog about history, philosophy, and effective altruism
- Sphinx - Exploring Antiquity and Modernity with Neville Morley
- The Scholar’s Stage - The Scholar’s Stage is a place to discuss the intersections of history, politics, culture, behavioral science, and strategic thought
- Love of All Wisdom - Philosophy through multiple traditions
- Matt Lakeman - Writing on books, experiments, and random things I can\'t stop thinking about
- Book and Sword – pontifex minimus - Exploring ancient history through the eyes of a dedicated researcher.
- A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry - A look at history and popular culture
- Samuel Pepys: Diary, Letters, Family Tree, Maps, Encyclopedia, Discussion and more
- Archaeology of the Mediterranean World - My continued musings on archaeology, technology, teaching, and history.
Homesteading & Nature
- Off Grid and Free: My Path to the Wilderness - Practical advice for off-gridders, homesteaders, preppers. 40 years off-grid homesteading experience.
- Granola Shotgun - Stories about urbanism, adaptation and resilience
- Beardy Guy Musings - Living and working in a tiny house the woods.
- The Druids Garden - Spiritual journeys in tending the living earth, permaculture, and nature-inspired arts
- Bedlam Farm Journal - Bedlam Farm in New England is where I live, write and tend to my animals
- The Summer Hillstead - Our home and haven in the Laurel Ridge valley
- The Re-Farmer – Sometimes, you need to go back, to go forward. - Tales from a Canadian who grew up on a farm, moved to the city and ended up back on the farm decades later.
- A small farm future - I’ve been blogging about farming, ecology and politics since 2012
- The Urban Nature Enthusiast - Reporter on Mundane Wonders, Alleyway Wanderer and Crow Paparazzo.
- Hearthwilde – At Home With Nature - I live on a small farm in NE Utah where I explore the intersections of nature and health, through gardening, food, and daily life.
- A South Roane Agrarian - Notes from an East Tennessee farmer
- The Shelter Blog
- On shelter, carpentry, homesteading, gardening, and the home arts
- Outside My Window - A Blog of Birds & Nature with Kate St. John
- Internet, intellectual and marketing law - I focus on Internet Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Advertising & Marketing Law.
- The Law and Policy Blog - Independent commentary on law and policy from a liberal constitutionalist and critical perspective
Music & Audio
- Less Than 1,000 Followers - Supporting unknown bands since 2017
- hip hop isn’t dead - Music commentary from a fan who refuses to let the genre die already. Also, some other stuff.
- impossible songs - A place to park those random thoughts, stolen images, hidden conversations and incoherent babble from beyond the wall of sleep
- The Red Hand Files - You can ask me anything. There will be no moderator. This will be between you and me. Let's see what happens.
- Disquiet - Listening to art. Playing with audio. Sounding out technology. Composing in code. Rewinding the soundscape.
- The Official Tony Levin Website - Welcome to one of the web's longest running blogs
- The Ethan Hein Blog - Music, technology and evolution
- Chris Aldrich - A digital commonplace book on IndieWeb, mathematics, engineering, biology, research, education, & more
- Minutes to Midnight - Music production, bass playing and using web standard to code for the web.
- Brilliantcrank - From the personal opinion desk of Greg Storey
- simply. - it’s personal. and micro. — simply.
- Lazybear - Random thoughts on privacy, life
- Winnie Lim - A hauntingly beautifully written blog documenting a life struggling with health & existence w/forays into philosophy.
- kottke.org - Home of one of the oldest blogs on the internet since 1998
- Oatmeal — digital pillow fort - Personal blog exploring a variety of topics
- Jonathan Wrote This - Every day adventures, thoughts, hopes, dreams, frustrations and annoyances of a software developer
- Charlie Bleecker - Welcome to my online nook, where honest reflections cut through insecurities and bullshit.
- Gingerly - An old GenX'er doing her best. Classy, sassy and a bit bad assy. Likely very tired.
- Exile Lifestyle - I spend most of my time learning, making things I hope will be of value, and striving to grow as a person
- Kev Quirk - My opinions on the web, life, and everything in between. Also the occasional post about life on my 2.5 acre small holding.
- The Written Addiction - Where I go to leave pieces of me.
- Rita’s Notebook - A place to collect bits and bobs of memory, thought, and feeling. It’s a place to shine light into the tunnel of life, where I always appreciate the company of like-minded souls.
- Mario Villalobos - Operates under the philosophy that to truly understand life, one must attack it from many different angles.
- annie mueller - Talking shit about my feelings | Reading, writing, always learning | Finance, tech, health
- Manu – I write - Italian freelance developer and blogger since 2017
- bottledaux - About EVERYTHING.
- A Whole Lotta Nothing - whatever grabs my attention
- Piper Haywood — If lost, please return - I’m an independent web developer with a lot of interests.
- Om Malik – On my Om - Meditations on technology, science, future, life, and photography
- Xi’an’s Og - An attempt at bloggin, nothing more…
- Rubenerd - I adore vintage computer hardware, writing in coffee shops in the mid-morning, and non-fiction books.
- CIMPLE - A curious introvert's musings & photos about life and enjoyment
- The Honest Courtesan - Frank commentary from a semi-retired call girl
- Brain Baking - A polymath who loves the smell of freshly baked thoughts (and bread) in the morning.
- yours, tiramisú - i write for myself and strangers
- This day’s portion - A blog about the web, books, politics and other bits and pieces.
- Kelake - Clark MacLeod's banal weblog, journal and personal reference tool since 1999
- Pop22 - Reinventing my personal blog
- CJ Chilvers - A writer and photographer from the Chicago area who writes about creativity, publishing and time management
- Craig Mod - Craig Mod is writing, photographing, making books, and walking
- beetleypete - The musings of a Londoner, now living in Norfolk
- Musings from a Tangled Mind - Relating with you through the communication of experiences and emotions
- 47nil - A place to drop random thoughts. There is nothing else to it.
- Alex - I do ✨ things ✨
- Daniel Sisson - Thoughts on the future, life, business, and random things
- An Index of Verisimilitudes - Programming and human language are far too close in computer interface design.
- Ham ‘N Eggs - If you are looking for listicles and couponing tips you are in the wrong place.
- Kicks Condor - Leeching and linking in the hypertext kingdom
- Bruh, Ltd - I’m a person who does funny things with computers.
- Cam Pegg - The mostly random thoughts of an Aussie expat in NYC
- up & to the right - Recovering nomad
- Teacher Tom - Sharing beautiful wisdom learned from teaching preschoolers
- Colin Devroe - I think a lot about photography, blogging, early stage start-ups, and outdoor activities.
- Chris Coyier - Personal blog of the dude behind the long running CSS Tricks site.
- inhab.it – lived in places - About places, their growth from vague names, dots on maps, stars, homes of mysterious figures, and locations in books
- conscience round - personal blog and stories
- so1o.xyz - A oddly strange personal blog
- Finding Cooper’s Voice - Welcome to the secret world of nonverbal Autism. It is sad, funny, hopeful and heartbreaking. And incredibly real.
- Scripting news - it's not my blog
- brr - This is a place for me to record interesting things I find while working in Antarctica.
- lucasdidthis - A very subjective and infrequent publication about technology, design, music, art and life.
- maya.land - literal swamp #goblin. admin. aesthete, enthusiast, techie scum. PNW pasture-raised.
- Oceanic Wilderness - A journal of nature, hiking, the garden, and life!
- Kwon.nyc - I am a queer Korean American woman of average height in New York City. Like you, I am also a denizen of the internet.
- Swistle - I acknowledge my luckiness, without giving up my claim to the suckiness
- arts & ego - I’ve thrown together a crotchety, contradictory, truthful, terrible, rich and ridiculous website of ideas, arts, ego, errors, opinions, rants, and mumblings.
- Nitin Khanna - a few words…
- Velveteen Rabbi - Now running and playing with the real rabbis!
- Ideapad - Blogging since 1998
- Noisy Deadlines - This blog shares uncertain musings, puzzled concerns and reckless remarks about living and carrying on in this frenzied world.
- Cubic Garden - Thoughts and ideas of a dyslexic designer/developer
- dispatches - I need another Twitter like I need another hole in my head.
- Unfogged - law, philosophy, technology, movies, music, books, politics, travel, corporate finance, golf, beer, wine, restaurants, the stock market, other blogs, life, love and everything else.
- A blog from Cabel Sasser - I’m an online idiot who grew up obsessed with computers, video games, and running pretend businesses.
- Sacha Chua - Geek - Experimenter - Visual Thinker / Doodler
- orange peeler - an archive of pleasures, wounds, sublimations
- Heed Not The Rolling Wave - Adam writes about the intersection of politics, culture and technology, with a soft spot for fringe ideas.
- Autistic As Fxxk - For Autistic punks, rebels and misfits forging their own path in a neurotypical world. Raise your middle finger to neuronormativity!
- The Autodidacts - Exploring the universe from the inside out
- gilest dot org - I’m a writer and communication consultant. I think a lot about clarity, and about how and why organisations should think out loud.
- rachel binx - rachel binx is a creative technologist specializing in data visualization, mapping, and digital ↣ physical fabrication.
- GioCities - cryptid • writer • universal constant • edge case • cyber artisan • saved Homestuck
- K-Squared Ramblings - Sci-fi, comics, humor, photos...it's all fair game.
- Darice de Cuba - Subjects that piques my interests mostly about accessibility and websites
- Flamed Fury - Flamed Fury means everything to me, and probably nothing to you.
- Lord Matt - Multipotentialite: Public speaker, writer, SEO, developer, and business to Internet interface expert.
- Protesilaos Stavrou - I am just a philosopher. I spend much of my time doing philosophy
- Robert N. Winter - Muse & Reason loosely divided into the themes of history, philosophy, politics, social comment and technology.
- Longest Voyage - I occasionally write here about my hobbies, side projects, or just life in a foreign country
- The Bounding Box - Bounding Box is the quasi-regular blog of journeyman bureaucrat and loosely-informed opinionator Tobias Revell
- skoo.bz - Tall pines to crop lines.
- I am BARRY HESS - I like writing and the internet.
- Living Out Loud - Here, at Living Out Loud, I blog about life and stuff.
- Take on Rules - Recovering interrupter with occasional relapses, lover of spreadsheets, blogger, adept debugger, conjurer of analogies, and probably other things
- diasyrmus - cahiers de doléances - notebooks of grievances
- Flashing Palely in the Margins - Hi. I’m Sameer Vasta, a snail-mail boy living in an email world, and over-user of the discretionary comma.
- The Blog of Random - A blog about the most random things you can think of.
- Johan Halse - 'm Johan Halse: web developer, feared duelist, renowned lover, compulsive liar
- Sean Gillies - Geospatial data scientist, blogger and ultramarathoner
- Riccardo Mori - Writer. Translator (including Mac/iOS app localisation). Mac conservator. Enthusiast photographer. Humanist. Unsung hero.
- A Speckled Trout - thoughts from a freckle-faced pisces
- Shay Stewart-Bouley - Creating Musings on race and life
- Questions considered - Notes on thinking, learning, decision making, and occasionally running.
- Eric Bailey – Inclusive design advocate, writer, developer, and speaker - #accessibility advocate, lapsed inclusive designer. The #A11Y Project maintainer, design systems wonk, recovering curmudgeon.
- Shellsharks - A blog about infosec, technology and life.
- disassociated - personal website of John Lampard, NSW based Australian blogger
- foreverliketh.is - Education & Tech
- Italian Poetry - Italian poetry for English speakers
- Herbert Lui - Blog on creativity, marketing, and the human condition.
- von Explaino - Steampulp omnitologist. Ludicrology a specialty. Coder in PHP, Go, and JS
- Derek Wessman Blog - I live near Mt. Takao. Here I write about mundane joys and the things that happen in my life.
- Bryan Alexander - Futurist, educator, speaker, writer
- Tyler Sticka - A creative director, designer, writer and artist from Portland, Oregon
- Coleman McCormick - Hi. I’m Coleman McCormick, a product guy living in St. Petersburg, Florida with my wife and two kids.
- Micah R Ledbetter
- All rituals restricted. All rites reserved.
- Somewhere in Japan - Somewhere in Japan is a long-term personal project in learning how to tell the stories I want to tell in the ways I want to tell them.
- The Online Photographer - Daily news website for photo enthusiasts, in blog format from a variety of photographers
- Denise Bush’s Photo Blog - My passion for photography has rewarded me with the opportunity to examine the world carefully, to really look, and to see.
- aows - black and white photography
- Island in the Net - casual photography | cyber security | life
- The Visual Chronicle - My attempt at capturing the world around me
- Graham’s Island - Life on the Big Island of Hawaii in the form of a daily photojournal
- Atlas Minor • James A. Reeves - Snapshots of melancholy gas stations. Dispatches from the archives. Reverberated soundtracks. Searching for faith in the digital age.
- Photos and Stuff - A blog about the art of photography, more or less.
- Excited Pixels - Policy wonk. Street photographer. Torontonian. Not necessarily in that order.
- Josh Withers - My own little group chat, with just you and me
- 75CentralPhotography - Travel, Urban and Landscape Photography
- T Michelle Moore - Aspiring Photographer on the weekends
- David duChemin - Photographer, author, and adventurer.
- SidewaysEye - I am a photographer interested in philosophy. I believe that photography and philosophy should be more accessible.
- Nick Tauro Jr. - I am a visual artist and self-publisher. Image making is my life; it's my passion.
- Ian Cylkowski Photography - My mission: to show off the natural and architectural beauty of Britain to the world.
- Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictures - Photographic artist traveling the globe in search of beauty.
- Joe Van Cleave’s Blog - A discourse in photography, media and culture
- sean bonner dot com - Author, artist and activist (also writes about NFTs from artist perspective)
- Membranophonist’s Ramblings - Interaction and interface design, photography, technology, politics, music, and random thoughts…
- Chuq Von Rospach – Birds – Landscapes – Nature - Nature and Wildlife Photographer, Birder, Writer and Author. Has opinions.
- Dave Lawrence Photography - Photography is an excuse for adventure
- Tokyo Times — Photographs from a small group of islands
- By a photographer and long-term resident of Tokyo who arrived in 1998 for ‘a year or two’, and, for a myriad of reasons, stayed put.
Poets & Writers & Books
- steelsnowflake - Essays on history, philosophy, art, literature, society, and more
- Random Notes - An occasionally-updated collection of thoughts and notes that come from the mind and keyboard of writer and essayist Scott Nesbitt
- Whatever - Raw thoughts from a writer (and his daughter now and then) since 1998. Also an award winning sci-fi author.
- A Cornered Gurl - I am more than breath & bones . . . I am nectar in waiting.
- A Working Library - A working library is a blog about reading & technology by Mandy Brown
- The Marginalian – Marginalia on our search for meaning. - A one-woman labor of love, exploring what it means to live a decent, inspired, substantive life of purpose and gladness since 2006.
- HOOT - A {mini} literary magazine on a postcard - flash fiction, poetry, memoir, non-fiction, book reviews
- The Casual Optimist - Books, design, and culture. Not necessarily in that order.
- dulcetly - Notes on a bookish life
- The Morning Porch - Daily short takes from an Appalachian hollow
- Self Distract - I’m William Gallagher, a writer who, well, writes and talks about writing. And talks about how to find time to do both.
- Jamie Todd Rubin - I write code, fiction, nonfiction, and have been writing this blog since 2005.
- Myth & Moor - Notes from a Dartmoor studio on folklore, fairy tales, fantasy, mythic arts & mythic living
- Analog Office - Analog Office is my digital love letter* to analog office supplies and organizing methods.
- 👋 Hi! — Sarah Avenir - I\'m a writer, reader, and aspiring hermit. I love books and food and plants and theater
- Transactions with Beauty - You are required to make something beautiful
- mnmlscholar - A recovering paperless scholar with a newfound love for journals, stationery, and fountain pens
- The New Leaf Journal - An online writing magazine for perennially virid content
- The Typewriter Revolution blog - One typist in the twenty-first century
- Elizabeth Tai - Essayist, sci-fi writer and digital gardener.
- Wendy Pratt Writing – I will tell you how it was - Biomedical scientist who turned into an award winning full-time poet
- Seven Miles of Steel Thistles - Folklore and tales of fairy brides, Japanese fox-spirits, selkies and more
- That Gut Wrenching Poetry - Hi I'm Sia. A dabbler of anything emotionally, dramatically written
- Putah Creek - Silence needs to be nurtured, like a frail child who lacks love
- I’d Rather Be Writing - Technical writing, technical communication, API documentation, trends, and other topics are covered here.
- The Maven Game - Writer and editor David Moldawer on building books that matter.
- Kristin Berkey-Abbott - A poet, a scholar, an administrator, a wanna-be mystic
- The Well-Appointed Desk - For the love of pens, paper, ink and a beautiful place to work.
- Ren Powell | Poet, Essayist - A writer and teaching artist settled on the west coast of Norway.
- Appalachian Ground – A Love Story - Beautiful photos, writing & poetry about life in the Appalachian mountains
- Grammarphobia - Grammar, etymology, usage, and more
- Type-Writer.org - Celebrating the writing machine
- Shady Characters – The secret life of punctuation - Miscellany, books, and more. Here you’ll find unusual marks of punctuation, books and book history, and everything in between.
- SFSS - SFSS is a curated collection of science fiction short stories from classic and current authors
- The Passive Voice - A Lawyer's thoughts on authors, self and traditional publishing
- Amal El-Mohtar - Writer, critic, harpist. Oracle of Buses. Hugo, Nebula, Locus winner.
- Read A Little Poetry
- Roll of Nickels - In-depth interviews of Poets along with their poetry
- Miskatonic University Press - Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
- greum maol stevenson - living, thinking, writing in glasgow
- Robert Kingett – A fabulously gay blind author. - I steal rainbow tinged cookies from unsuspecting glittering cats in my spare time.
- Via Negativa - Purveyors of fine poetry since 2003
- K E Garland - Inspirational kwotes, stories and images
- Grace Burrowes - I believe in love.
- thejaymo - Writer, Podcaster, and Strategist
- Uradiance - Meet Me in this Moment, this Body, this Breath
- Starbreaker - Rock operatic science fantasy (and more) by Matthew Graybosch
- O Write: Marilynonaroll’s Blog - About writing poetry and reading poetry. Usually.
- Ratika Deshpande - Hey there! I’m Ratika Deshpande (she/her), a writer, reader, blogger, daughter, and daydreamer.
- Kent Nerburn - I'm a writer who focuses on spirituality and the bridge between Native and non-Native cultures
- The Homebound Symphony - Stagger onward rejoicing
- alina stefanescu, writer - poet. writer. editor. reviewer. translator. corrupted bibliomaniac. exists in romanian and alabamian. hybrid in she/her dreams. self-deleting. self-ghosting.
Research & Science
- Sabine Hossenfelder: Backreaction - I tell you what you really need to know about science, as simple as possible, but not any simpler.
- ribbonfarm - Constructions in magical thinking
- Language Log - Language Log is a site where serious professional linguists go to have fun.
- Junk Charts - I discuss what makes graphics work, and how to make them better. Think chartjunk + junk art.
- Nintil - To estimate, compare, distinguish, discuss, and trace to its principal sources everything.
- Skulls in the Stars - Covers topics in physics and optics, the history of science, classic pulp fantasy and horror fiction, and the surprising intersections between these areas.
- DYNOMIGHT - science and existential angst
- Harold Jarche - Work is learning. Learning is the work.
- SLIME MOLD TIME MOLD - Mad Science Blogging
- Centauri Dreams — Imagining and Planning Interstellar Exploration - A deep dive on space exploration with an eye toward interstellar possibilities and life.
- Restricted Data: The Nuclear Secrecy Blog - A blog about nuclear secrecy, past and present by a PhD historian of science
- Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science - A hub for critiques of empirical research in a variety of fields
- Harsimony - I focus mostly on altruism, innovation, governance, and progress.
- Of Particular Significance - Conversations about science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler
- The Splintered Mind - reflections in philosophy of psychology, broadly construed
- West Coast Stat Views - Comments, observations and thoughts from two bloggers on applied statistics, higher education and epidemiology.
- Casey Handmer’s blog – Space, Travel, Technology, 3D Printing, Energy, Writing - Physicist, Immigrant, Pilot, Dad. Former Caltech, Hyperloop, NASA JPL.
- Quantum Frontiers - explores the latest advancements and implications of quantum physics
- Cyclostationary Signal Processing - Understanding and Using the Statistics of Communication Signals
- Raul Pacheco-Vega, PhD - Understanding and solving intractable resource governance problems.
- The Meaning of Water
- I’m a limnologist. I study and help manage water in our environment
- John Hawks
- I'm a paleoanthropologist, exploring the ancient world of humans and fossil human relatives.
- Ben Werdmüller - Engineer, startup founder, investor, and writer
- The Cheapskate’s Guide - Saving $ on computers w/noteworthy coverage of blogging, indieweb, and more
- Darknet Diaries - True stories from the dark side of the Internet.
- The New Oil - Information Security for normal people.
- Benedict Evans - Stepping back from the noise in tech, I try to work out what's really happening, what matters, and what it might mean.
- The Crow - A man pretending to be a bird - squawks about privacy, self-hosting, technology, cooking, and creative DIY approaches to problems.
- Garbage Collector - It's all in the title! Tech, photos, and other personal stuff.
- Jim Nielsen’s Blog - Where I write at least something rather than nothing
- Chris Hannah - An app developer with diverse interests, including photography
- by.ht - Rambling about design, programming, hardware and Linux
- Ru Singh - Where's my tea? I'm grumpy. Are you still using Discord and not forums?
- Daring Fireball - A (mostly) Mac column in the form of a blog with occasional snark and dallops of common sense
- Luke’s Wild Website - I'm a web designer specializing in WordPress, Webflow, and static site generators.
- rachelbythebay - Software, technology, sysadmin war stories, and more.
- An Index of Verisimilitudes - Programming and human language are far too close in computer interface design.
- Krebs on Security - In-depth security news and investigation
- Baldur Bjarnason - I write about web dev, interactive media, digital publishing, and product development from Hveragerði, Iceland
- Numeric Citizen Blog - Writing about Apple, Photography, Privacy and Climate Change.
- Duck Rowing – by Fred McCann - I'm kind of a nerd.
- The Newsprint - CPA. I like to type things on my computer.
- Roy Tang - programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart
- Adactio: Journal - A web developer and author living and working in Brighton, England.
- Open Source Musings - Sharing a passion for Linux and open source, with a decidedly non-techie slant
- Flameeyes’s Weblog - Open Source Developer, Systems Mechanic, Conference Wannabe.
- Interdependent Thoughts - I write about how our digital and networked world changes how we work, learn, decide and organize.
- Privacy Dad’s Blog - I write about trying out online privacy tools for me and for my children.
- Seirdy’s Home - I write about and develop software to promote user autonomy. Topics include accessibility, privacy, security, software freedom, and search engines.
- Greg Morris - Blogger and podcaster with several years experience in technology circles
- Jamie Tanna - Thoughts and learnings about tech and life
- Jason Journals - tech + geek
- Jeff Geerling - Author and Software Developer in St. Louis, MO
- Pixel Envy - A sassy weblog written by Nick Heer with topics including technology and policy, Apple, Silicon Valley, and privacy.
- bbblog by bbbhltz - Personal blog about Technology, Education, other Sundries
- Antarctica Starts Here. - I blog about many things - tutorials and howtos, projects I'm working on, the open source software I write, pictures of places I've been and writeups of things I've done
- AndreGarzia.Com - Programming, Creative Writing, Bookish Stuff
- The Hive - Tech & mental health discussion, as well as javascript prototypes
- HeyDingus - Writes about technology, the great outdoors and other musings.
- Miriam Suzanne - I hope to create art & software that celebrate the queerness & complexity of human experience.
- DSHR’s Blog - I'm David Rosenthal, and this is a place to discuss the work I'm doing in Digital Preservation.
- zerokspot.com - Software developer writing about tech, books, shows, and sometimes even politics
- The Jolly Teapot - Commentary and links to articles about media, technology, Apple, and more.
- Raymond Camden - Exploring the world of web and mobile development, one line of code at a time
- Simon Willison’s Weblog - Open source developer building tools to help journalists, archivists, librarians and others analyze, explore and publish their data
- David Smith, Independent iOS Developer - Independent iOS developer. Independent in general. Maker of Widgetsmith, Pedometer++, Sleep++ and Watchsmith.
- joshua stein - I live near Chicago and am self-employed building and operating Pushover
- Technovia - Ian Betteridge writes about technology, media and whatever else he wants to
- jacksonchen666.com - possibly incoherent ramblings about everything computer
- Don’t Worry About the Vase - Trying to dig out from minus a million points
- Blog of Sara Jakša - Software developer and cognitive scientist from Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Songs on the Security of Networks - Digital human rights activist, information security professional, and a sysadmin
- furbo.org by Craig Hockenberry - furbo.org is Craig Hockenberry's place to write for the web. He makes app and runs websites.
- Marc Thiele - Founder/organiser of beyond tellerrand . Co-Founder of Smashing Conference.
- The Homepage of Dave Rupert - I'm Dave Rupert, co-founder of Luro, lead developer at Paravel, and co-host of ShopTalk.
- Dan Luu - a blog about programming and the programming industry
- Bacardi55’s Web Cave - I know that I know nothing
- Rodney Brooks – Robots, AI, and other stuff - Distinguishing hype-notism from plausibility
- Dan Sinker - Exploring the intersection of technology and civic engagement through journalism.
- Futurelawyer - Future technology for the lawyers of today
- Notes by Rodrigo Ghedin - Brazilian journalist.
- Open Indie - Writing about open & equitable product development
- Dan Cohen – Humane Ingenuity - on technology that helps rather than hurts human understanding, and human understanding that helps us create better technology
- @Westenberg - Hey, my name is Joan. I’m a technology writer, journalist and creator.
- Xe Iaso - Technical educator, conference speaker, twitch streamer, vtuber, and philosopher
- Juha-Matti Santala - Community Builder. Dreamer. Adventurer.
Tools & Apps(various software tools for reading blogs ‘n such)
- Uses This / Interviews - Uses This is a collection of nerdy interviews asking people from all walks of life what they use to get the job done.
- Fraidycat - Follow friends, blogs, Twitter, Youtube, etc. all from one app
- Blogroll Block – WordPress plugin - Show off your blogroll with the WordPress Block editing experience
- Along the Ray - A wandering alien from a different plane roaming the universe in a tiny camper
- Road to the Sea - Full time nomad couple who transitioned from the road to the sea on their journey
- ADVENTURETACO - Escape the ordinary
- Sinclair Trails - Travels around the country from living full time in a new RV
- Nomad Online - Stories from the journey home
- Andrew Skurka - I run, hike, write, and guide.
- One Hundred Rabbits - Exploring the planned failability of modern technology at the bounds of the hyper-connected world.
- Luxagraf - Thoughts on ecology, culture, travel, photography, walking and other ephemera
- Rolling Existence - We've been traveling the world by bicycle since May 2021
- Walking Arizona - Arizona and Utah are big states and there is a lot of room to walk. As I walk I like to think and share insights.
- Geographical Journeys - Travel; history; memoir; place-based creative non-fiction
- Rolling Steel Tent - A regular Joe nomading full time in his van w/wry sense of humor and zany ancedotes
- Hiking Dude - Hiking is just Walking with an Attitude
- Brewed Journey - Travel, Hiking, Beer and Coffee
- Notes from the Road - By road, by kayak, by seaplane and most of all on foot, I tackle the themes of city and country in the modern world.
- Giulio Aprin – Wild Man Life - diary of an explorer
- Drifting Clouds - TRAVELS WITH JANI
- Pedestrian Observations - For walkability and good transit, and against boondoggles and pollution
- Adventures of Cap’n Aux - Airline pilot by day, writer by night, and kid by choice
- Naz Hamid • On the internet. - I\'m a cyclist, a rock climber, a photographer, and a traveler
- Exploring Nature in New Hampshire - I hope by visiting that you will see what amazing beauty nature holds and that you will become more interested in exploring your own area.
- A Redleg’s Rides - I am a URAL sidecar rider, in Colorado with occasional long trips to places such as Alaska.
- Rolf Potts - Travel Writer, Essayist, Adventurer, Teacher
- Grant Petersen’s Blog - Peeking Through the Knothole - thoughts on biking and misc