
Blogs are the soul of the web

One of the great things of wandering a sea of personal blogs is it feels as if I’ve been traveling through people’s backyards, living & dining rooms, bedrooms (some…

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State of the Blogroll

Around every three months I run a link checker on to see who’s fallen by the wayside or whatever changes there might be via URLs shifting ’n all. It’s how I keep the blogroll fresh and clean just for you!

My observations from these scans:

- An average of one or two blogs disappear completely during each cycle (i.e. their domain no longer works or the blog has been deleted).

- While it’s fortunate to only lose a couple every few months, it’s always sad to see them go and they leave a hole in the blogverse. Like losing friends.

- A large portion of redirect errors come from blogs changing their URLs (i.e. moving to new locations or changing the way they do links, etc.) and forgetting to also redirect their RSS feed. So don’t forget your RSS feed when you change things up, folks!

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“A Gentle Intro to RSS”

I talk about RSS feeds quite a bit — they’ve been around for decades and are one of the easiest (and best) ways to keep up with your favorite blogs. However, in the zeal of my love for it, I sometimes forget that not everyone knows what RSS feeds are, much less how to use them in the first place.
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Free your blog from the tyranny of pace

When it comes to personal blogs and blogging, screw pace. Rather than pressuring yourself under artificial time & quantity constraints, just write for yourself. Readers (and you) will be happier when you do.
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